
2024-04-28 09:06:00 资讯新闻网

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1、如果你想得到,你就会得到,你所需要付出的只是行动。 If you want it, you will get it. All you have to do is act. 2、强大的力量如果没有方向和着力点,那又怎么能击破障碍。 If a powerful force has no direction and focus, how can it break through obstacles. 3、活得累是因为心里装了多余的东西,跟吃饱了撑的是一个道理。 Live tired is because the heart loaded with superfluous things, with full support is a truth. 4、如果在让我重新选择一次,我不会选择认识你。 If you let me choose again, I will not choose to know you. 5、我所有的复杂,对你都只出于同一个简单的目的:我爱你。 All my complexities are for you for the same simple purpose: I love you. 6、喜欢就去拥有,得不到就别再纠缠,爱情毕竟是两个人的事。 Like to have, do not get entangled, after all, love is two people's business. 7、无论谁伤我都没你伤得痛,你却不知你是我致命的毒。 No matter who hurt me, you don't know that you are my deadly poison. 8、有时,不是你装得天衣无缝,而是,我愿意陪你演得完美无缺。 Sometimes, it's not that you pretend to be perfect, but that I'm willing to play perfect with you. 9、能把你捧上天堂,也可以亲手把你摔向地狱。 Can hold you up to heaven, also can personally throw you to hell. 10、我没有背叛,只是不喜欢被欺骗,请你相信我! I didn't betray, just don't like to be cheated, please believe me! 11、其实没有想象的坚强,只是找不到让懦弱休息的地方。 In fact, there is no imagination of strong, just can not find a place for cowardice to rest. 12、就让我一个人站在拥挤人潮,听嘈杂的笑闹,然后孤独终老。 Let me stand alone in the crowd, listen to the noisy laughter, and then die alone. 13、一个人,一座城,孤独终老。 A person, a city, will die alone. 14、无人理睬时,坚定执着;有人羡慕时,心如止水。 When no one cares, be firm and persistent; when someone envies, be calm. 15、站在城市的很高点,想要找回被你遗弃的心。 Standing at the top of the city, want to find the heart you abandoned. 16、我费尽心思让所有人开心,却忘了自己该怎么笑了。 I tried my best to make everyone happy, but I forgot how to laugh. 17、别再用我的过去,来评价现在的我,我早就已不是从前那个我。 Don't use my past to evaluate me now. I'm not who I used to be. 18、爱过哭过恨过也笑过、很后还是一样过。 Love, cry, hate, laugh, and finally the same. 19、电话那头,又是沉默,该放手,却难割舍。 The other end of the phone, is silent, should let go, but hard to give up. 20、我只是习惯有你,并不是缺你不可。 I'm just used to having you, not without you. 21、参与是走向成功的开始,结果并不是很重要的! Participation is the beginning of success, the result is not the most important! 22、好好努力做自己想做的那种人,走自己想走的那条路。 Work hard to be the kind of person you want to be and take the road you want to take. 23、你开始说中肯话,不再偏向我。 You start to speak to the point, not to me. 24、谁暗恋你你不一定能察觉,但谁讨厌你你肯定能感觉到。 You don't know who loves you secretly, but you can feel who hates you. 25、谁都是彼此的幸运。 Everyone is lucky for each other. 26、每个人都是幸福的。只是,你的幸福,常常在别人眼里。 Everyone is happy. But, your happiness, often in the eyes of others. 27、回首亘年漫月的心动,你仍拔得头筹。 Looking back on your heart, you are still the best. 28、我要带着我喜欢的东西,和你过一辈子。 I want to take what I like and live with you all my life. 29、如果我不向你求婚,我会后悔一辈子,因为你是我的很好。 If I don't propose to you, I'll regret it all my life, because you are the only one for me. 30、我很爱你,但有些不可告诉你的理由要离开你,请原谅。 I love you very much, but there are some reasons I can't tell you to leave you. Please forgive me. 31、一件事情需要坚持才能继续下去,那它本身就是错误。 A thing that needs persistence to go on is a mistake in itself. 32、等雨停的时候往往雨不会停,等人来的时候往往人不会来。 When the rain stops, it will not stop. When people wait for someone to come, they will not come. 33、手机套餐每个月包那么多话费,却不知道该打给谁。 The mobile phone package costs so much every month, but I don't know who to call. 34、我不会再为了你颓废,一个人深夜买醉。 I will not decadent for you, a person late at night drunk. 35、谢谢你的绝情,让我学会了死心。 Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up. 36、你说你没喝醉,却摇摇晃晃往后退。 You say you're not drunk, but you stagger back. 37、有时候,明知没路了,却还在前进,因为习惯了。 Sometimes, knowing that there is no way, but still forward, because used to. 38、我可以用一天的时间爱上你,却要用一辈子的时间来忘记你! I can fall in love with you in one day, but forget you in a lifetime! 39、闺蜜,我的异姓姐妹。我们这辈子不离不弃! My best friend, my sister. We will never leave in this life! 40、天气晴朗,万里无云,出去玩耍,心情好的简直要飞起。 The weather is clear, cloudless, go out to play, in a good mood almost to fly up. 41、孤单的时候请牵起我的手,就算尽头没有什么值得我去停留。 When lonely, please take my hand, even if there is nothing worth me to stay at the end. 42、别熬夜,就算你睡得再晚,不想找你的人还是不会找你的。 Don't stay up late, even if you sleep late, people who don't want to find you will not find you. 43、我还是会相信爱情,只是不会再相信爱情能永远。 I will still believe in love, but I will not believe that love can last forever. 44、难过的时候,蹲下来抱抱自己,成全别人,也放开自己。 When you are sad, squat down and hug yourself, help others, and let go of yourself. 45、自此以后,你不再归来,于我而言,才是很好的礼物。 Since then, you no longer come back, for me, is the best gift. 46、我们苦熬着机会相聚,凭着电波彼此想念,现实时却匆匆分离。 We are suffering from the opportunity to get together, miss each other by radio waves, but we are separated in a hurry in reality. 47、感谢你的不娶之恩,因为我值得更好的人。 Thank you for not marrying me, because I deserve a better man. 48、你的名字,是我拒绝他人的很好理由。 Your name is the only reason I refuse others. 49、说不出来为什么爱你,但我知道你就是我不爱别人的理由。 I can't tell why I love you, but I know you are the reason why I don't love others. 50、站在烦恼中仰望幸福,一个人总在仰望和羡慕着别人的幸福。 Standing in trouble looking up to happiness, a person is always looking up to and admiring the happiness of others.






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